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  • November 9th, 2010

    Methadone Drug Test Facts

    Methadone drug test facts: Few important aspects to know before consumption.

    Methadone: used as an anti addiction medicine. Methadone tries to reduce after effects of heavy consumption of prohibited drugs like heroine, marijuana etc. It blocks craving feeling by suppressing withdrawal effect. However, fewer times you can observe some very adverse effects of methadone as well. For reason it is very much essential to know methadone drug test facts including what can be its side effects, how much should be the adequate quantity etc.

    Methadone is most basic narcotic medicine used to cure opiate addiction. Methadone normally consumes in the form of syrups so that it will easier to give drug addict patient through liquids. You can also get Methadone in thin powder or tablets. It is also consumed by the way of injection. Popularity behind growing use of methadone is it can give similar kind of effects as that of any other drug can give. However, methadone does not produce any kind of side effect that cocaine or heroine does. Even can alcohol show up drug test includes methadone in it.

    To avoid any kind of side effects, methadone is prescribed in very small dose. Methadone is legally available at local drug dealers. This drug shows similar kind of symptoms as that of heroine withdrawal. Symptoms may include insomnia, nausea, flu like sign etc. Where as, higher dose of the same drug provides exact high feeling which is connected with heavy use of heroine. Other side effects include (that is other than high dose) body rashes, appetite loss, severe cramp in stomach, increase in heart beat etc. For the said reason experts also give advise about not to take methadone with other depressant as well. One who is not addicted for drugs also gets same feeling after overdose of drug.

    Though methadone gets clinically safe certificate it is advisable to take them under administrative guidance. It has prolonged effect which last till 36 hours. It is prescribed on daily basis and strictly under medical authority. To avoid any complications, it is advisable to take treatment on special methadone clinics.
    Due to easy and legal availability, methadone gets higher popularity from youth. You can easily pass a drug test as methadone is not remaining in body after 48 hours.

    However, latest research shows that easy availability of methadone tends to increase illegal use of it and even experimentation with it. As per most recent update methadone is increasingly use with other drugs like ecstasy.

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