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  • February 16th, 2011

    Methadone In Urine Drug Test

    Detecting methadone in urine drug test

    There has always been a debate of whether there should be manditory drug tests in high schools or not. Some are of the opinion that it is not only students, but the teachers as well as administrators should also go through a drug test. The system of testing the candidates started during the time of recession as companies needed to eliminate a number of its staff and this way the candidates who failed the test could easily be forfeited without any trouble. However, it is invasion of peoples’ privacy and is unfair to those who test positive even when they aren’t amalgamated with non- prescription drugs. This often happens due to medicines that contain pain relievers like morphine. Many children are traced with methadone in urine drug test.

    With increasing number of students taking up drugs like methadone and many others, it has become very necessary to keep a check on children targeting drugs. Lack of fear about the consequences of drug intake, absence of parents from homes, lots of pocket money could be some of the reasons for children getting attracted to drugs. Coming out clear in a drug test, is something most children know very well these days and the same goes with a methadone in urine drug test. With greater access to the internet, more access to media, company of friends who are drug addicted, etc. gives an opportunity for children to know methods of coming clean in a drug test.

    Some of the detox methods work on the body within seconds, especially the detox products manufactured for the purpose. Taking a detox pill just half an hour or a few minutes before the drug test is just enough to pass the test effectively. With mandatory drug tests in high schools very common these days, there are some of the opinion that such tests should not be conducted randomly. Consent of children is of utmost importance to conduct a drug test. This is ok, but if intimation is given too much in advance, then children too get into the habit of cheating the drug test in different ways. Catching them unawares is the best ways to find out whether they are on toxic substances or not. If children need counseling, counselors at the school put in their best effort to help out children and at the same time, parents too can be informed.

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