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  • February 16th, 2011

    Methamphetimine Drug Test

    Read about methamphetimine drug test.

    Methamphetamine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system and is included in the NIDA-5. It is a white powder without an odor and bitter in taste. The drug is usually swallowed, snorted, injected or smoked. It is an addictive drug and the habit can soon turn into addiction. The chemical that is involved with pleasure, reward and motivation is dopamine. Methamphetamine is responsible for releasing dopamine in areas of the brain that provides euphoria that one might feel after smoking or snorting the drug. Prolonged use of methamphetamines causes changes in the functioning of brain. It can impair the verbal learning skills of the abuser. Emotional and cognitive problems are quite common amongst the user. Repeated use of the drug can turn into addiction because of the molecular and chemical changes taking place inside the brain of the user.

    Drug testing is considered to be the best method to detect the presence of illegal drugs and drug metabolites in the system of the subject. A drug test for methamphetamines can be done by either blood or urine. Hair and saliva drug test can also be employed, but urine tests are considered to be the most reliable ones. After the consumption of methamphetamines, it takes 3 to 5 hours for the metabolites to reach the urine. Blood drug tests are very expensive but they are quite accurate and can be completely relied upon. However, federal drug testing does not permit blood tests. If you have used methamphetamine there is no way to alter a test result for blood and hair.

    The very first thing you need to do is estimate the duration of time for which the drug is likely to stay in the system. How long does weed stay in system for drug test or how long methamphetamines can be detected in a methamphetimine drug test is a commonly posted question on discussion boards. A lot of factors needs to be taken under consideration like the age, sex, weight, metabolism and frequency of drug used to determine the detection period of methamphetamine. The only assured way to pass a methamphetamine drug test is not to use any!

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