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  • December 19th, 2010

    Military Drug Test Hair

    Read about military drug test hair!

    Drug testing in the armed forces in each type of wings be it army, navy or air force is the basic necessity for every personal as military has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for the use of illegal drugs. The military forces conduct several types of random drug testing. Drug test fail disclaimer on most of these screening can be the reason for court martial and discharge procedures. Department of Defense popularly known as DoD is dealing with the two fronts of demand and supply. Deterrence is the key aspect of reducing the demand for illicit drugs in the military force.

    To combat with the problem of rising drug abuse in the defense forces, Dod uses various sensitive tests to detect the drug use during routine drug testing. Active duty service members are supposed to undergo a urine drug test annually while those in reserve component will be tested at least every two years. There are several protections built in to the systems so as to ensure accuracy in the testing procedures. The military maintains a written record of those individuals who access the sample, people who come in contact with it and what they exactly do with the sample.

    When the sample arrives at the lab, it undergoes an immunoassay screening. Those who test positive are supposed to undergo the screening once again. Finally if one tests positive in this GC/MC test have to face court martial. Even if a drug is detected whose level is below the threshold, the test result is registered as negative. Each sample is tested for the commonly abused five drugs included in the NIDA-5.

    Mostly urine drug test is conducted in the military forces. Sometimes hair and blood drug tests methods are also used. It is rather difficult to beat a hair drug test because of its level of accuracy. A hair drug test works on the principle that as more and more drug metabolites enters the system they are encased in hair shaft. Longer the hair longer will be the history of drug use detected. There are many detox shampoos and conditioners available that can help one pass a hair drug test!

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