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  • October 28th, 2010

    Opiates On A Drug Test

    Opiates on a drug test

    Opiates are one of the highly addictive drugs that have effects that are both sedative as well as analgesic. This substance is found in many of the high end drugs like cocaine, heroin, codeine and morphine. Most of these are major illegal drugs. The worst part is that these drugs attract the younger generation easiest. These opiates form a part of the drug group that are tested at any employment selection procedures or any other such opportunities. Companies are authorized to conduct such tests. These drug tests generally look for the traces of the above mentioned drugs and some of the stronger version like the 6- acetyl-morphine, this particular substance indicates the presence of heroin.

    Of the various methods of drug testing opiates can be detected via any method but the saliva drug test products are the most widely used in this context. The opiates can be traced in the saliva for a period of 1-2 days and in some case like that of codeine for a longer period of about 3-4 days. As far as the urine drug test and hair drug test is concerned the opiates are also easily detected here as well and the detection period is longer in case of the hair test wherein it can exceed up to 90 days. Also it is not easy to cheat these tests even the saliva ones and as a result those who seek to pass drug test have to actually come clean in this seriously dangerous drug abuse and addiction.

    The opiates damage the nervous system of the addict to a level from which it is very difficult to judge anything. It makes the person physically as well as psychologically dependant. The drug is also used in medicinal purposes and this is what makes it possible for the dealers to make it available in the market. The substance of opiate is very harmful and at present is the major reason for the addiction of the junior kids at school especially the young teenagers.

    The only way to survive this dangerous enemy of humanity is to completely ban the substance and penalize the people who indulge in it whether as a user or as a money maker and also educate the young minds about it.

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