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  • February 16th, 2011

    Oral Swab Drug Test Times

    Know more about oral swab drug test times and methods to beat it.

    Drug testing is method of checking presence of drugs inside the body through counting drug metabolites count. It depends on individual’s biological system as well as his/ her smoking history. Drug testing conducted at workplace is from safety point of issue. It was legal and carried out to check chronic drug abuser. So they can provide related help to that person. There are so many ways to conduct drug testing. Type of drug testing form is depending on which drug metabolites to check and convince of employer. Cost is also one main factor of deciding. Saliva or also known by mouth swab drug testing is extensively used for random drug testing that is in post accidental drug testing scenario.

    If you look at the oral swab drug test times, one main issue with these drugs testing format is small detection period time. Saliva drug testing facts shows that this drug testing method is most effective to check drugs like PCP, meth, marijuana, opiates cocaine and cannabis. Though it have very shorter detection period and it is ranging from 6-48 hours for different drugs. If you take example of alcohol, you can possibly detect its presence up to 12 hours only. Same with marijuana traces remains in saliva sample for 48 hours. Conducting saliva drug test is cheap way of drug testing than urine or blood drug testing. Added plus points of saliva drug testing includes portability, simplicity in use and ability to check 8-10 drugs with single sample only.

    Mostly saliva drug testing is conducted in strict supervision. Hence it is not possible to perform any trick for tampering. Still its smaller detection window can make it happen to pass drug test in 3 days. There are hardly any drugs remnants present in saliva after 3 days. With detox mouthwash it is possible to hide these drug metabolites very easily. Have mouthwash 10 minutes earlier to your drug test. So that they will cover up entire mouth and restricts the entry of drug metabolites to come inside the sample. Now, with home base drug testing kits you can get to know your status of the result. Pass a drug test gets easy with these detox products.

    How to pass