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  • November 17th, 2010

    Pass A Drug Test In 1 Day

    Pass a Drug Test in 1 Day.

    Drug tests are increasingly becoming the order of the day. The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 made drug testing compulsory for all the government employees. Other private authorities realized the merit of drug testing and soon drug testing was everywhere – in private workplaces, schools, colleges and even in rented premises. Drug tests discourage drug use. This is as the fear of testing positive or actually testing positive is deterrent enough to discourage drug use among existing and potential drug users.

    The common nature of drug tests has a downside. More and more people know how to pass a drug test even if they are drug users. For e.g. they know how to beat the urine drug test phentermine – by abstaining from the drug for 2 to 4 days and diluting the urine if necessary. This has led employers to conduct surprise or short notice drug tests. Therefore you may land up in a situation when you need to know how to pass a drug test in 1 day. The answer is not difficult, but not very accurate as well. There are many things you can do in the 24 hours preceding the test, but success in the drug test does not come with any cast iron guarantee.

    This is what you can do to pass a urine drug test in 1 day:

    1. Drink a lot of water and cranberry juice. Cranberry juice is a natural detoxifier. It also aids kidney function and stimulates urination. The toxins that it breaks down can then be flushed out by water through urine. You can also drink this same combination 2 to 3 hours before the test for better results.

    2. This combination dilutes your urine and discolors it. This can expose your mischief and qualify you for the dreaded retest under more controlled conditions. To prevent this from happening take vitamin B tablets those restore the color of urine.

    3. Also take 4 aspirin tablets 2 to 3 hours before the test. These will interfere with the test.
    For passing the saliva test you need to use a detox mouthwash 5 to 30 minutes before the test. And for getting through the hair test you need to use a masking shampoo that seals the drug residues inside hair.

    How to pass