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  • December 19th, 2010

    Pass A Drug Test In One Week

    Read about pass a drug test in one week.

    Drug tests can come up anytime. Some of the employers may give a prior intimation about drug screening, but some of them prefer random drug tests. Employees may not like the idea of random drug testing as they wont have sufficient time to prepare for the test and there job will be at stake. Are you also going to face a drug test in one week? Are you freaking out and need to know ways to pass a drug test in one week? Don’t panic and learn some tactics to register negative in a screening!

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused and tested for drug in many countries. Marijuana and its metabolites can be detected in the system for over a month, so even if your last join was a week ago, it can cost you your job. Urinalysis is the most common method of drug testing. Urine drug tests are relatively inexpensive and are reliable; thus preferred most. The best way to pass any drug test is abstinence from drug use at least till the test is over.

    The most widely used method to pass a drug test is drinking large amount of fluids. Hyper saturation can help eliminate the drug metabolites. Drink hefty glasses of water regularly for a week prior to the test. Water being a natural cleanser will lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system so as to trigger a positive in the drug screening.

    One can boost the fluid output by taking diuretics which stimulate urination. Go for cranberry juice and green tea. They are the excellent diuretics that can help eliminate the toxins within a week. Keep exercising and work out rigorously. It will help increase the body metabolism by burning the fat cells. This will ultimately release the drug metabolites in the bloodstream. Stop exercising 2 days prior to the test as it will release more metabolites in the urine. Do not go on a diet. Include more vegetables and avoid fats completely as they interfere with the body metabolism. These tips will surely help you pass a drug test in a week!

    How to pass