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  • October 7th, 2010

    Pass A Thc Drug Test

    How to pass a THC drug test

    To pass a THC drug test the first and foremost and easiest things to do is to abstain from the drug completely. If this is done then the chances of you passing the drug test are very high. A drug testing procedure could be coming up and you are still on marijuana, which just means that coming clear can be a bit difficult for you. One of the most common methods to avoid being detected is to substitute urine with a sample of synthetic urine. For those who do not have sufficient time on hand and have no supervision while taking urine sample can make the best use of synthetic urine. These synthetic urine samples are easily available at any local chemist these days and are not too expensive as far as drug testing is concerned.

    The other best alternative to pass a THC drug test is to drink a lot of water as this is a natural method to pass drug test. Toxins from the body can be flushed away, by drinking a lot of juices and fluids and urinating as many times as you can to flush out toxins. The main reason behind drinking lots of water is that it helps in diluting the THC toxic content. If you have got sufficient days on hand a good idea to start the detoxification process a few days in advance is always a preferable idea. Even on the day of the test, ensure that you keep drinking a lot of water to continue flushing out toxins from the body.

    Synthetic urine samples are always a good alternative. At the same time make sure that you keep exercising a lot. When you exercise the fat cells in which the THC is stored get burned thus releasing byproducts in the bargain and which get released into the urine and the blood in the process of cleansing the system in your body. Eating red meat is also considered a good idea which helps in increasing levels of creatine and at the same time ensures that the urine sample taken is a valid one. Even if you have taken an intake of sufficient quantities of water, this is not indicated in the urine sample taken. Too clean a urine sample may indicate that you have tried to beat the test. In such a case you can take vitamin B12 or vitamin B2 which can give the urine a light yellow color.

    How to pass