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  • December 19th, 2010

    Pass Cannabis Drug Test

    Read about pass cannabis drug test.

    Drug tests are increasingly becoming popular these days. The main reason behind this is the rise in the number of people abusing illicit drugs. The number of teenagers using illegal drugs is also rising high. Drug tests are now mandatory in many workplaces and schools. Failing to pass a drug test for the use illegal drugs is a shameful thing, so it is better to refrain from the use at the earliest. Failing to pass a drug test could be devastating emotionally as well as financially. There are a number of tactics used by many to pass a drug test. You will find ways to pass cannabis drug test in this article.

    Abuse of cannabis is mainly in the form of marijuana, results in toxicity which depends upon the amount of psychoactive ingredient present. Marijuana is one of the most commonly abused and tested for drug in many nations. It is included in the NIDA-5. Though marijuana is the least harmful drug it can stay in the system for about three months and can be easily detected by a drug test. The best way to pass cannabis drug test is to stop using the drugs at least until you pass the screening.

    Many of the abusers resort to methods of dilution so as to flush out the harmful ingredients from the system. Drinking lots of fluids especially water can be effective in flushing out the harmful toxins from the system faster. Hyper saturation will lower the concentration of drug metabolites so as to register you negative. People also believe that drinking bleach to pass drug tests is an effective method. Diuretics can help eliminate the metabolites by stimulating urination. Go for either cranberry juice or green tea.

    Exercising is the best way to increase the metabolism rate of the system and eliminate the drug metabolites from the system. It will burn the fat cells where the THC metabolites are stored and release the metabolites in the bloodstream which will ultimately enter the urine. Do not go on a diet; include more vegetables in your diet. Stop drinking water and exercising two days prior to the test.

    How to pass