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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pass Drug Testing

    Know about pass drug testing with natural ways.

    Many people fail to understand that time is main factor in pass drug testing technique. It is necessary to refrain from all sorts of drugs as early as possible. Most sure aspect in passing drug testing is with urine testing. Give enough time to body so that it works on restored drug metabolites and remove them rapidly. Marijuana can remain in the system for long time. Through natural cycle it can take time period in between 3-4 days to 3 months. Usually give your self complete detoxification treatment for minimum month period. Marijuana metabolites are slow metabolized substance. Depends on your metabolism detection time of marijuana get varied. Another factor is half life of marijuana metabolites that is THC.

    Most of the drug byproducts stored inside the fat cells. Only proven method of removing drug metabolites from there is exercise. Exercise help to rid metabolites in quicker fashion. It also helps your body to excrete THC metabolites through sweat. Drinking water is another sure way for pass drug testing. It keeps your body enough hydrated so that urinal frequency gets rise automatically. It is proved that water work as catalyst for metabolism. Higher is the rate of metabolites conversion, better is your result. Give more stretch on drinking fresh cranberry juices. It has roughage which proves beneficial for soothing bowel’s function. Be sure that you are not giving very first urine of the day as a sample. Try to pee couple of times prior to you are actually giving samples. Very first urine of the day has lots of dirty fats. As drug metabolites conversion rise during sleep.

    More you sweat, better is your result. Along with exercise, try to have full body steam bath. This will make you to sweat more and thus increase in metabolism. These are the non hurting ways of having clean drug test. If you take sauna and stem bath it opens the body pores so that more oxygen goes inside the body and reacts with fat cells. Same like what happen when you take vigorous body work out. You will get same suggested remedies for hair follicle test information as well. After all its all depend on drug metabolites percentage.

    How to pass