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  • December 24th, 2010

    Pass Drug Tests Urine

    Know about urine passing methods.

    Urine testing is one most widely accepted and cheap way of drug detection. Accuracy and reliability you get from urine testing are quite unmatched. Though you have lots of tampering chances, urine drug testing is most popular form of testing at workplace. What are the secrets of it? First one is they are very cost effective. As a result it is first choice of many employees. To pass drug tests urine, one needs to drink lots of water. Water dilutes the metabolites which are present inside the urinal track. It also speeds up the metabolic conversion process. Other methods are drinking cranberry juice, green tea so that frequency of urination increases. Take this dilution substances day before a testing.

    Though urine testing is cost effective, they are lacking in accuracy and 100% reliability. Hence it is not prefer choice where accuracy of the test is main concern. Hence in such scenario, other drug testing methods are used. One such method is swab drug testing method. Oral swab testing, that saliva testing is used as random form of testing. It have smallest detection window period. Saliva test detect drugs and alcohol from the body within 3-5 days time frame. Saliva test is second most popular drug testing format. One is oral swab drug test require just 2-3 minutes. Result is simple to interpret and no embarrassment while giving samples. Saliva testing is random test form, so you may think on how to pass a swab drug test?

    It is not difficult to pass drug test if you follow some regulations. Take advantage of smaller detection period. As oral swab drug testing can not show drug traces after 4-5 days, stop drug consumption prior to your test. Make use of detox products. Detox mouthwash will give excellent result if you make proper use of it. Carry it with you at the screening centers. .

    Detox mouth wash are simple to use and they are not costly as well. You can get them at local pharmaceutical store or best option is order it from online store. Have mouthwash Ѕ an hour before your test. Detox agent inside them covers entire mouth and restricts drug metabolites from entering into the samples.

    How to pass