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  • December 24th, 2010

    Pass Government Drug Test

    Read about pass government drug test.

    The alarming rise in substance abuse amongst the population including teens and adults has prompted government to take a more aggressive approach to monitoring the illegal activities. The number of teens abusing drugs is also rising considerably high. The parents are now keeping on eye on any unusual behavior of their kids and looking for signs of drug or alcohol abuse. Although some of the indications of drug abuse are obvious, like bloodshot eye and behavioral changes, there are ways that abusers can use to cover up certain signs of substance abuse. For this reason, government drug testing is becoming popular theses days as an aid to protect the population from the hazards of substance abuse.

    Government drug test screens for the presence of five most commonly abused illegal drugs namely:

    A. Cannabinoids ( marijuana)
    B. Opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine)
    C. Cocaine (benzoylecognine, cocaethylene)
    D. Phencyclidine (PCP)
    E. Amphetamines.

    These five drugs of abuse can be detected in the system of an abuser by performing a technical screening of biological specimens like urine, hair, saliva or blood. Saliva and urine drug tests are the fastest methods to determine whether a person is under the influence of illicit drugs or not. The results of such drug tests can be obtained in a matter of minutes. The time frame of drug use that can be determined by these two tests can go back to 72 hours or more. The hair drug test is considered to be the most accurate form of drug testing as the drug residues are likely to stay in the hair shaft for longer duration of time that can extend to months or even years.

    Passing a drug test today is no more a big deal with the advent of fast drug test detox products that can help one pass drug test within fraction of few hours. But the lab authorities are now smart enough and perform a sample integrity test to check the presence of masking agents and chemicals in the specimen provided. If you get caught, then you surely fail a test. Instead of going for theses products that will simply hoax money from you, it is recommended to follow home remedies to pass government drug test.

    How to pass
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