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  • December 24th, 2010

    Pass Hair Drug Test

    Learn some effective methods to pass hair drug test.

    Hair drug testing, most appreciated form of drug testing in current scenario. Hair testing is bound to give you more accurate result. There are several reasons like with hair drug testing; you can dig long history of smoking, less chances of sample temperament etc.
    Take example of marijuana, as it remains in the body organs for longer period of time. When THC metabolites travel inside the body, they fish at blood vessel. They get filter through the hair. You can check record of marijuana smoking through hair drug testing. It requires around 60-80 hair strands. Essentially hair strands must be 1.5 inch in length and cut right from the crown of head. Minimum length can be 1 inch, but then you will not avail for the accurate result. Masking the drug metabolites present on the hair sample is not realistic one. With the use of detox shampoos, you can lower down the toxic presence. However, such methods are only applicable when you are exposing for second hand smoke.

    You can repeat the use of detoxification shampoo, if you possess long history for marijuana. Passing a hair drug test is little difficult for the dark hair people. If you are under influence of cocaine or other synthetic drug, then remember that melanin is a carrier of THC. Another point is use of detox shampoo is it leaves adverse effect on the hair. You may observe dry and itchy scalp after the use of shampoo. However, all this are temporary symptoms. Do not worry about it, as they automatically get clean.

    You can also try some natural diuretic home remedies to dilute the drug presence. You need to start having diuretic right after consumption and up to long term period. One best natural diuretic available in the market is Cranberry Juice. You can take it at home. Cranberry juice readily dilutes drug metabolites from the urine. Some good quality Cranberry juice gives perfect pH balance to urine sample as well. If you doubt related to how to pass a drug test cranberry, then here is the good news. No drug testing form able to detect this diuretic attempt. Hence you can rely on this method for negative result.

    How to pass