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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pass Marijuana Drug Tests

    Read about pass marijuana drug tests.

    There are many ways to pass marijuana drug tests. The drug test results can however vary from person to person depending upon the type of drug used, weight, total body mass, metabolism rate and the frequency and degree of exposure to marijuana. Using marijuana is like consuming 400 chemicals. The most important and the main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana is delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol or simply THC. It is the root cause for the mind altering and psychoactive effects on the user. Life insurance marijuana test is performed by the life insurance companies before granting the insurance policies. It is thus very essential to pass a drug testing for marijuana.

    The elimination of marijuana from the system depends upon a number of factors. The half life of THC is the main factor that alters the detection period. Generally it remains in the system for about 10 days (occasional users) to 30 days (regular smoker). Being a fat soluble metabolite, THC gets stored in the lipid cells, in short in all the vital organs. Several different methods are adopted by the abusers to ensure the total elimination of drugs from the system. The most common method used is the detox products which claim to drag out the residues from the system. However, the best way to eliminate the traces of marijuana is not consuming marijuana or similar drugs in future this will help give more meaning to your life and your loved ones.

    Before making purchase, it is recommended to read the product reviews. Instead of buying the expensive products, you can always give natural remedies a try. The very thing you have to do is drink lots of water- at least two liters per day for at least a couple of weeks prior to the personal deadline. Water is a natural cleanser and will assist the system more than anything else in the detoxification procedure. Also the use of vitamin B2 will help mask dilution of the urine. If you are called in for urine drug test, bear in mind not to provide the first drop that comes out, but collect the midstream urine!

    How to pass