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  • December 24th, 2010

    Pass Piss Drug Test For Pot

    Read more on ways to pass piss drug test for pot.

    Pot: a street name for marijuana. With every drug testing form you can detect presence of drug metabolic percentage (THC percentage). It is main psychoactive substances get it from Cannabis plant. Urine testing is more frequently used for THC detection. There are two reasons for the same. One is urine testing is inexpensive, simple to carry and second one is urine testing proves very effective to detect presence of drugs as compare to other methods. As urine testing takes only drug metabolic amount into consideration, give more focus on how you can remove drug metabolites from the body instantly. Some ways to pass piss drug test for pot includes following points-

    1. Drink plenty of water- water acts as catalyst agent inside the body, it speed up the conversion process makes drug metabolites free from the fat cell. It also increases rate of urination. So that all the free drug metabolites gets pass though urine. However, while going with this process make sure that you are not undergoing with any water intoxication symptoms.

    2. Use of niacin- Though niacin is a from B complex vitamin family it do not contain any detoxification property. Still, it is advisable to have B complex vitamins to mask the tampering attempt. It gives natural yellow color to urine.

    3. Avoid myths- There is a lot talked about drug testing and its related home remedies. However, it is advisable to not give any attention to such myths. They are risky and do not help for getting negative result.

    4. Know your drug testing form- as said earlier, urine testing is most widely used method for screening. However, now as hair and saliva drug testing are also used as confirmatory test. It is always better to know method of drug testing. You can adopt strategies depend on them.

    5. Drug detection period- getting positive or negative result is entirely depending on drug metabolized rate. If you check cocaine drug test info, it is rapidly metabolized drug. THC gets accumulated inside the fat cells making metabolizing process quite difficult.

    How to pass