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  • February 16th, 2011

    Passing A Drug Test For Employmnet

    Read about passing a drug test for employmnet.

    Employers and several staffing agencies, use pre employment drug test to assess the skills and potential of the applicant. The federal and state laws govern the manner in which the test is to be performed and what type of test is to be used. Failing to clear a drug test can lead to the applicant being disqualified for the particular job. Thus, it is necessary to take a few precautions which can help you pass a drug test. There are a lot of websites trying to convince you to buy their expensive detox drinks and home drug testing kits. Let me tell you none of these are foolproof. There are lots of other things you can do for passing drug testing saliva, urine, hair or blood. Avoid the use of all the unnecessary toxins or any sort of toxic substances at least for a couple of days prior to your lab appointment.

    Cut off all the greasy and high fat foods for these substances are believed to slow down the detoxification process. Stick with the food rich in fibers, carbohydrates, veggies and proteins. Do not go on a crash diet during the time of the test even if the authorities instruct you. Diet can play havoc on the metabolism rate of the system. Avoid all the unnecessary medications as they can cause a false positive drug test. Drinking lots of water daily will help lower the concentration of drug metabolites in the system. Exercising is a natural detoxifier. Exercise for a week up to two days prior to the test as this can work wonders in boosting the detoxification process. Avoid overeating to ensure that the metabolism rate of the system is constant.

    Do not skip breakfast on the day of the screening. If you are called for a urine drug test, then make sure that you do not provide the very first drop of your urine. Try and avoid the first and last portion of the stream as they contain most toxins. Catch the midstream pee and submit the sample!

    How to pass