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  • November 9th, 2010

    Passing A Drug Test For Marijuana

    Read about passing a drug test for marijuana.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in United States of America and many other countries as well. Marijuana is one such drug that is likely to stay in your system for days, weeks or even months since the last time you smoked. Though it is not much harmful to the system but it can surely be the reason for your failure in the drug test. It is also believed that THC never leaves your brain and there are certain other factors that can be the reason for you getting a false positve 5 panel drug test. So you need to be very cautious if you are going for a marijuana drug test.

    The speed at which marijuana leaves your system depends upon the metabolism of the system, half life of THC as well as the frequency and degree of drug intake. Marijuana could be detected in the urine drug test even after month of the last use. Hair tests are even worse as they can detect marijuana 3 years after the last time you smoke. If you are tensed about passing a test on a short notice then you can surely invest in the great detox products available online that will help you test negative. And if you have an entire month at your hand then the following tips can surely be effective:

    • The best method by far to pass a drug test is to stop doing drugs for the rest of your life as soon as you come to know that you are supposed to face a drug test.
    • Flushing of the system will eliminate the drug residues from the body. Water being a natural cleanser can help a lot. Drink a lot of water as well as juices for a week prior to the drug test daily. Stop the intake of water 2 days before the drug test as it can dilute the urine.
    • Diuretics can help boosting urination and thus flushing off the toxins.
    • Vitamin B2 can help impart yellow color to the urine so as to mask dilution.
    • Protein rich red meat can help balance creatinine level in the urine which has lowered otherwise due to dilution.
    • Exercising will burn fat cells and eliminate THC out of the system. Stop exercising 2 days prior to the test as it will release more THC in the urine.

    Follow these tips and you will surely pass a drug test with flying colors.

    How to pass