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  • February 16th, 2011

    Passing A Drug Test For Weed

    Online info on passing a drug test for weed

    How do you pass a second hand weed drug test? You don’t have to actively smoke a particular drug to be tested positive in a drug test. Smoking second hand weed could also put you into a problem, if you are not aware of this fact. If your friends are into the bad vice of smoking pot, marijuana, heroin or any other kind of drug and are partying or smoking together in a room and you walk into the room or sit and spend some time with your friends in that smoked filled room, drug residue is sure to settle on your hair, clothes, skin, sweat, etc. Passing a drug test for weed is not very difficult if there are no drug traces found in your system, hair, urine, sweat, blood, DNA etc.

    Chances of being caught in a second hand weed drug test can be very high and that too if you if you have no knowledge of the fact that drug traces are present in the sample provided. Getting your body detoxed is a sensible thing to do if you have the slightest clue that toxic content is present on your body. Detoxing methods are of many types if you are ready to follow them. For passing a drug test for weed drug test in which hair sample could be asked, you must wash off your hair well with special medicated shampoos, serums, conditioners and use specific hair tonics which will make detecting toxic content a very difficult task.

    If you have been called the following day with hair sample you could try a few tips to come out clear in the drug test. Availability of special shampoos, serums as well as conditioners in the market makes it easy to get rid of toxins present at the root of hairs. Not many people know the fact that toxic substances get collected at the root of hairs which can get you caught in the drug testing procedure. Washing the hair frequently, at least two to three times before the day the test is conducted, as well as on the day of the test, will ensure that you come clear in the drug test. Passing the drug test will not be difficult when you cheat a bit by presenting hair sample of your relative, friend or colleague who is ready to pass on hair sample to you. Trying out your best in beating the drug test is very necessary, especially if it concerns your academic or job career.

    How to pass