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  • November 9th, 2010

    Passing A Drug Test Piss Test Info

    Passing a Drug Test Piss Test Info.

    Drug Tests are named after the sample from the human body that is used to check for traces of drugs. The urine drug test, for example, uses urine sample. Other types of drug testing are blood test, saliva swab test, sweat test and the hair drug test. The urine or the piss test is the most common of all the drug tests because it is a sort of an optimum test in all respects. It is not as expensive and accurate as the hair drug test but is better than the blood and saliva tests in this regard. Again, it cannot trace drug use for as long as the hair test but does so for greater durations than is done by the saliva and blood tests.

    You need to have some basic info for passing a drug test piss test. First of all urine reveals drug residues for longer durations than is done by blood or saliva or sweat. This is because kidneys store toxins before eliminating them gradually through urine. The ten most widely consumed drugs like marijuana, morphine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, opiates, benzodiazepine, ecstasy and cocaine on a drug test etc. can be detected in this drug test. You will be made to piss in a sampler cup and this sample will then be examined for traces of drugs. These days supervision is very strict. You will have to change into a hospital gown. This reduces the chance of substituting the sample by having one with you. Furthermore, the washroom / room in which you will retire for peeing into the cup will have the water supply suspended. This prevents dilution of the sample.

    The only way to beat this drug test, in case you consume drugs, is to abstain from drug use and adopt a healthy lifestyle for 15 days before the test. This includes exercise, diet and drinking a lot of water. 2 to 3 hours before the piss test you can drink water and cranberry juice. This will break down any remaining toxins and flush them out through urine. This will however make the urine lighter in color. To prevent arousing suspicion vitamin B tablets can be used to provide the yellow color to your urine. Aspirin is known to interfere with this test and can be used.

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