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  • November 9th, 2010

    Passing A Military Drug Test

    Beat military drug test. Get to know easiest way to pass military drug test.

    Many countries now decide to take drug testing as a very serious business. For each and every military crew it is compulsory to give drug screening once in a year. Most of the military drug centers test for most common types of drug abuse like heroine, cocaine or marijuana. Only few screening centers ask for drug testing against steroids or any other drug substances. It is worth to know methods for passing a military drug test. Here is the list of some natural ways to pass a drug test. All are quite well working and effective for giving negative result even after recent consumption.

    Here are some important aspects to know prior to you test. First get to know with the procedures that your military system follows. Most military departments include urine analysis as a major source of drug checking. It is one most economical way to detect existence of drug metabolites inside the body. Know the drugs which are strictly banned by department. Most common analysis includes checking for cocaine, marijuana or LSD. However senior authority may ask for saliva drug test how to as well. Saliva test is mainly taken in case of screening for marijuana specifically. If you are taking any pain killer or medicines from long, be sure it is prescribed with your military medical authority. Sometime these drugs may have prohibited drug. Do not take medicine by your own and without checking its constituent. Unknowingly you put your career in risk.

    To pass drug test be sure that you know exact amount of threshold percentage for that drugs. It is certainly not a situation that you get fail as your body consist fewer percentage of illegal drug. There is set threshold value by every military department. Get to know what the legal percentage is and set limits. From your side also you need to be alert for not to be in an unintentional drug exposure. Check out dietary or food supplements as well. Because most of dietary supplements have additional protein supplies which boost up creatin level. This is known by the incorrect positive result. Drink lots of water; sweat out heavily so that protein level from urine gets back to normal.

    And last most obvious way to avoid getting positive result in drug test, avoid consuming any kind of drugs. It will keep your body system clean and it is by default safest way to beat drug test.

    How to pass