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  • October 7th, 2010

    Passing A Urine Drug Test Delaware

    Passing a Urine Test Delaware.

    Drug Tests are designed to detect the presence or absence of drugs / narcotic / prohibited substances inside the body of the person being tested. Drug tests are named after that part or fluid of the body that they use as a sample. Thus we have the blood test, the urine test, the saliva swab teat, sweat test / analysis and the hair drug test.

    The urine test is the most common drug test. It can detect the drug consumption only for a certain period before the test. It is also one of the least expensive tests. The hair drug test, on the other hand, is the most expensive as also the most reliable of all these tests. It also happens to be the most difficult to beat. Hitherto, it was employed by the armed forces to check the drug consumption patterns of recruits. Its accuracy and the fact that it is difficult to cheat on have started making it popular.

    Passing a urine test in Delaware is similar to passing a urine test anywhere else. Nowadays substituting or tampering a urine sample to pass the test has become difficult. The person to be tested is made to wear laboratory clothes / gown before being admitted into the room where he is supposed to provide the urine sample. This room generally does not have any water supply. In some cases when the sample is to be given in a restroom, water supply is switched off. Furthermore, toilet flush tanks are filled with colored or easily identifiable water in case the person decides to dilute the sample.

    It is simpler to adopt some fluid intake patterns as a free way to pass the test. Consuming one serving of cranberry juice between two servings of water 2-3 hours before the test is a good option. Urine tests look out for THC metabolites. Cranberry juice breaks down the THC metabolites while water dilutes the urine. Cranberry juice is also a good diuretic. Therefore the urination it stimulates helps get rid of the bad urine. So by the time you provide the urine sample you are only providing drug free urine. Creatinine levels also need to be built up for which eating beef regularly before the test is a good option.

    How to pass