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  • January 20th, 2011

    Passing An Employment Drug Test

    Passing an employment drug test is easy

    Drug test how long does cocaine stay in your system depends on lot of things which are making the criteria. Pass drug test you need lot of confidence and other things that are related to drug testing in the long run. Popular checks and regular scrutiny should be done in order to save people from misconceptions. Employment rules are laid down for all the people who are struggling to get a break in the job.

    The jobs are back with a bang only for those people who love the art of multi tasking and for this the employee should be medically fit and presentable. Now days jobs demand a lot of details including your health background as well these things are done to maintain the efficiency and work standards in order to remain fir and healthy at work places. Some people believe that there is no effect of marijuana on health.

    On the other hand there are people who believe that marijuana has ill effects on both cardiovascular and nervous system. The main component that causes problem is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. This THC is very dangerous in nature as it rushes in main blood stream and causes drowsiness, increased appetite, giddiness, hallucinations, and other psychoactive effects. The part of brain that is associated with memory gets affected with the prolonged intake or consumption of marijuana in any form. The short term memory loss is directly associated with the extra dosage. Less dosage will definitely give you feeling of well being and relaxation. Cases have been witnessed by experts where people face issues in balancing things in normal life if they are addicted to marijuana. The cardiovascular system also gets disturbed with the addiction of marijuana as it increases the heart beat makes a person restless and triggers the risk of heart attack as well.

    Higher does of marijuana should be restricted as it will lead to various psychological disorders and it becomes difficult to come back from that situation. The part of the brain that coordinates movements and balance is highly affected by the consumption of marijuana. The origin of these medicines that are given to counter drugs and the traces of any drug metabolites are taken from the popular experts on the basis of research and innovations.

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