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  • December 24th, 2010

    Passing Drug Test Marijuana

    Read about passing drug test marijuana.

    Drug tests can come up anytime sometimes even without a prior notice. Failing to pass a drug test can have many dreadful consequences. Employees may face suspension and military officers will have to face a court martial or even worse. This can be devastating emotionally as well as financially. Thus it is necessary to pass a drug test. Understanding this fact many companies have come up with at-home drug test kits that helps one prepare for a drug screening. The companies also provide many detox products to clear off the drugs like marijuana from the system. Passing a drug test was never so easier, but now one can conquer a drug test with flying colors.

    Drug testing can be conducted in any form like the employers might ask you to provide a urine, hair, saliva or blood sample. So all you need to know at the very beginning is the duration of time for which each drug is going to stay in the sample that you are been asked for. The internet provides a lot of information on drug detection times. Once you have the idea of this then you can get a complete idea of time at your disposal for detoxification.

    The drug detection time depends upon a number of factors like the body mass, age, frequency of drug use and may vary from person to person. Basically no drug stays in the system for more than three days, marijuana being in an exception. Marijuana can be detected for 90 days in the hair scalp. Thus if you have been called in for a hair follicle test then you are surely going to be in a fix. There are certain detox shampoos that claim to cleanse your hair and make it free from all drug residues. You can rely upon them.

    Dilution is an effective way to eliminate the drug metabolites from then system. Drinking lots of water will lower the concentration of drugs in the system. THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana is fat soluble and is stored in fatty tissues. Exercising will help burn these tissues and release the drug metabolites. These tips will surely help you pass drug test.

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