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  • December 24th, 2010

    Passing Marijuana Drug Test

    Read more for methods in passing marijuana drug test.

    Marijuana or its byproducts (THC) are the main psychoactive substance you get from the Cannabis plant. Urine drug screening is usually carried out as a random drug test in pre employment phase. Urine testing is cheaper form of drug testing and quite effective for getting accurate and reliable result. FDA approved laboratories collect the sample specimen and mix it together with chemicals. This form of testing is known as strip urine testing. Cut off value for THC metabolites is 50ng/ ml. If drug metabolites percentage is more than this threshold level then your result comes as positive. These cut off values are set by NIDA. Hence for passing marijuana drug test, you essentially require drug metabolic level less than this cut off value and obviously clean urine.

    To pass a marijuana drug testing, very first know how long THC metabolites remain in your body organs. However, you can not answer this question exactly. There are lots of factors which are leaving direct or indirect influence on marijuana presence. One most influencing factor is smoking history. If you are having long history, then it may require almost 12-13 weeks for getting clean result. If you are carrying smoke very rarely then you are able to beat drug test within a week as well. Factors like age, body mass, metabolizing rate, amount of marijuana are few directly influencing aspects of passing marijuana drug test. Infrequent marijuana consumers with great metabolizing rate will readily throw the drug metabolites outside the body. Get to know with some pass a drug test tips which prove helpful in removing drug metabolites.

    1. Give more stress on fluids- Fluids especially water proves very beneficial to pass the marijuana test. It is true that marijuana byproducts are fat soluble and does not get dissolve in water. However, water tries to speed up the metabolic conversion process. More is the conversion rate; more is chance of getting positive result. Plain water gives you clean, almost transparent urine. Hence, at least you move one step closer towards positive result.
    2. Diet- Diet is one major factor in detoxification. Though it does not give direct support, help indirectly a lot. Have lots of fiber in your daily intake. Fiber strengthens the bowel ability. Avoid alcohol intake when you are under detox treatment. It will reduce the risk of false positive result.

    But there is too much human variations to even approximate how long THC will be detected in the urine of an individual. It depends on a lot of factors, such as human age, weight, metabolism, amount and potency of marijuana, etc. Infrequent users with a fast metabolism will have the shortest detection time. Frequent or chronic users with a slow metabolism will have long detection times.
    If you use marijuana on rare occasions, your urine may be clean of metabolites in less than a week.

    There is a common and strange phenomena that occurs with chronic users. You would expect a chronic user to have the longest detection time and the smallest chance of passing. This is not always the case. A chronic user with a high tolerance will eliminate drugs quicker than an occasional user. Chronic users have tested negative after a week long binge. Lipid tissue also makes a huge difference.

    As THC stores in fat cells, skinny users not only have a faster metabolism (usually), but also lack storage for THC metabolites, so pass test more successfully.
    The best thing you can do for yourself is buy home drug test and test yourself after you’ve stopped smoking pot.

    Test every day until your first urine of the day tests clean. That is how long it takes personally YOU to clean out after your normal smoking habits. Even that will vary depending on your level of usage prior to abstaining and level of activity while testing yourself. Do not rely on your best friend’s experience! Every organism is different.
    Passing Solution :

    First of all:

    If you are currently using marijuana and know you have a test coming up, stop using immediately. The longer you abstain, the better your chances of passing a test will be.

    One of the original methods of avoiding detection is to buy synthetic urine and substitute your urine with synthetic one. This works very well if you’re not supervised. Another problem is that labs know what the temperature of a fresh urine sample should be and they also know that a sample should have blood particles in it of the blood type of the person being tested; so it is riskier to try and evade the urinalysis test by using a urine substitution. But if you don’t have enough time for other way, this method is the only.

    The other way is to clean your body from toxins and to pass the test in natural way.

    First of all, cleanse your system – the way this is done is to drink a very lot of fluids and urinate as frequently as you can. This will dilute the concentration of THC metabolyte in your urine. Start washing yourself out days before the test, that is preferable, although it is much more important to do it hours before the test.

    Exercise. As we know, THC stores in fat cells – exercises are burning fat and THC byproducts are released into the blood and urine that goes out while you cleansing your system. But it is important to stop burning fat cells near test time (up to 48 hours before your drug test). On test day, it doesn’t matter what’s in your lipid tissue. What’s in your blood and urine does matter.

    Eating foods rich in protein like red meat will slightly increase creatinine levels. Creatinine is a substance in urine, it level drops below normal when people dilute their urine. Labs test creatinine levels to ensure that the sample is valid and the subject didn’t drink unusual amounts of water.

    There is testing industry data that aspirin interferes with the chemicals in the test, so taking 4 aspirins a few hours prior to the test might help you.

    If a urine sample looks clear, the lab will suspect that it’s watered down. They can’t report it as positive, but they may reject the sample and inform your employer that you tried to beat the test. To avoid this, color your sample yellow by taking vitamin B. The most effective vitamins B-2 or B-12 you can find in detox drinks and detox pills that are selling in our store.

    How to pass