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  • January 20th, 2011

    Passing Meth Drug Test

    Read about passing meth drug test.

    Methamphetamine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Meth is a white odorless powder and has a bitter taste. It dissolves in water and is usually snorted, swallowed, injected or smoked. The drug is very harmful and addictive as well. Many of you might be aware about dopamine. It is a chemical that is involved with pleasure, motivation and motor function. Methamphetamine is the drug that releases dopamine in areas of brain that provides euphoria. Continual use of meth can alter the functioning of brain. Repeated use of meth can lead to addiction because of the molecular changes it causes in the brain. Only after a long period of abstinence, some of the effects can be altered. Even if used in small quantities it can increase the heart rate, breathing and blood pressure. First time users can be at the risk of heart attack or stroke which can be fatal.

    Methamphetamines can be detected in the system using urine or blood drug tests. Lately hair and skin drug tests are also used, but urinalysis is the most common one. Blood drug test is the most expensive but can accurately determine the presence of meth in the system. If the results come out positive, it is probably the right result. If you have been using methamphetamines there is no way to alter the test results for hair and blood. Meth can be detected in the urine for approximately three to five days. The only effective way to pass drug test for meth is not to use any!

    There are treatments for methamphetamines addiction provided in several rehabilitation programs and rehab centers. It involves counseling, education, interventions and a 12 step program. There is no medication available at present for methamphetamines addiction. Passing a drug test has become a must these days as it is now a part of employment hiring process in several countries. Marijuana is the most commonly abused and tested for drug in United States. The only way to pass drug test for weed is not to do drugs at the first place!

    How to pass