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  • December 19th, 2010

    Passing Weed Drug Test

    Read more on ways for passing weed drug test.

    Marijuana, other names as THC or weed are most commonly taken drug testing. When Weed is in the blood, they end up their journey in accumulating inside the blood vessels. It includes part of the hair as well. Here make a note that, marijuana remains in the system for largest period of time. Most of the time urine testing is taken as basic screening test, where as hair or saliva testing as confirmative tests. For passing weed test it is important to know drug detection window period for this drug together with its cut off value. Set threshold value of marijuana is 0.5 ng/ml or 0.05g/L. It is quite high if you compare it with other drugs. Drug detection window period gets varied as per the drug testing form. For e.g. hair testing may take time period of 3 months as that of saliva testing takes 3 days only. Try different dilution process, so that you can decrease the drug metabolites percentage from the sample specimen.

    Urine dilution comes in several other forms. They effectively reduce the concentration of drug metabolites. One simple way to achieve this is by adding water in the sample. Diluting urine sample lowers down the creatinine level and specific gravity. Body muscles make use of Creatine and body creates waste named as creatinine from it. All the drug testing laboratories mandatory check for attempt of dilution. So learn how effectively mask the dilution attempt. If you are using synthetic urine, without fail add warm water in it. In most of the lab along with the biological specimens, temperatures of the sample are also taken into consideration. Never follow myths like having bleach or vinegar to pass the drug test. This question is most often asked by smokers does drinking bleach help you pass a drug test. Answer of this question is No. Bleach does not have chemicals which can effectively mask drug traces. Neither bleach can lower down pH level nor it help in dilution process. Excess use of bleach may cause severe diarrhea.

    To pass a drug test, avoid having second hand smoke as well. Though it is not in detectable stage saliva drug testing may give false positive result. Adopt some changes in your diet, give more preference to fibers. Keep your mood fresh and relax. This factor makes indirect impact on drug metabolites.

    How to pass