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  • October 7th, 2010

    Piss Tests For The National Guard

    Piss tests for the National Guard

    Piss tests for the national guard is a must do thing that you have to do to get the job. There is no second choice open for you but take the test. You have three options open for you. The first one is to leave the job. You cannot pass drug testing and cannot get the job as a consequence. Better not to go for it. Relax and smoke a joint to celebrate!

    The second choice is to dilute the urine to pass the test. If you can carry on the pain of not smoking joints for at least of one month you can get enough time to clean yourself. The dotex kits are something that really works well in the process. However, they are expensive. You can have creatine to dilute your urine. This is something that is generally being used to enhance mussels in the body. They are easily available and affordable. However, take care that you drink lots of water in the process. Also you need to maintain a diet and exercise to normalize your body metabolism. The fat cells of your body are the storage of THC. You need to reduce the fat cells of your body.

    You also can take benzo pills to flush out toxins from your body. However, you need to be really careful to use the pills since its leaves a horrible side effect on your liver. The process of taking benzo pills is a bit painful. You may suffer from nausea, vomiting and skin problem like burning itching sensation on your skin. Make sure you drink sufficient water after taking the pill and have proper rest.

    You need to be conscious before a week of your urine test. Drug testing is not a regular process and you can spend some days without smoking to ensure your job. Another important thing that you need to do regularly before going for the final test is to test yourself with drug test strips. Don’t forget to collect strips from different venders to ensure the result. Once you are sure about your result go for the test.

    The last option that you can choose is to quit joint smoking. It may help you to build up a healthy life style too. If you decide to quit, do it at least before one month of the drug test.

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