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  • December 24th, 2010

    Pot In Drug Test

    Read about pot in drug test.

    Marijuana is the most commonly abused as well as tested for drug in United States and several other nations too. Though being the less harmful drug, marijuana is the drug that is more likely to stay in the system for weeks or even months after the last time you smoked pot. It is more likely to cause one fail a drug test. Marijuana can be consumed in many ways, smoking being the most common one. It is sometimes mixed with food stuffs or brewed as tea. As it stays in the system for longer time, cleaning up for drug test is essential if one aims to pass the screening.

    THC, the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, is fat soluble and it is argued that the THC metabolites never leave the brain. The speed at which marijuana leaves the system depends on the speed of metabolism of the system and half life of THC. Unlike many other drugs, the half life of THC is believed to vary depending upon the use of marijuana. The half life of THC ranges in between 1-10 days. It is rather impossible to determine the exact half life THC. The duration of time for which marijuana is likely to stay in the system depends upon the frequency and degree of smoking, age, body mass and the body metabolism rate. That is the reason why it differs from person to person. The most common period of time is 3-30 days for the detection of marijuana in the system. Marijuana thus can still be detected in a urine drug test up to a month after the last time it was used.

    Hair follicle drug tests can prove to be even worse as THC is stored in the hair shafts. It is possible to detect marijuana up to three years after its last use depending upon the amount of hair taken as a specimen. If you are worried about passing a drug test for pot, then you can surely invest in some great products that will help you detoxify the system faster. If you have an entire month for the deadline, then you have several other options to keep from testing positive!

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