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  • February 16th, 2011

    Pre Employment Drug Screening

    Know how to pass a drug test marijuana.

    Passing urine drug test can be full of stress if you are under the drug influence from a long. However, with the availability of the so many detox products, there is nothing for the worry. In order to pass a drug test, especially against marijuana, it is necessary to counteract with different logic. What are the factors involve in pre employment drug screening? Time, diet, proper detoxification treatment, exercise are the key factors in how to pass a drug test marijuana. Know that marijuana is naturally available drug and contains some medical proprieties as well. Beside its medical properties, people prefer to use it as an illicit drug to get instant high. The best and surest thing to have a clean result is clearing drug metabolites from urine sample. Complete body detoxification is surest way to get clean result. Marijuana being a fat soluble substance remains in the body for longer period of time.

    Key thing in removing active metabolites of marijuana is giving time to your body to work on restored drug metabolites. Marijuana have detection period in between 8 to 2 months time period. Usually, with natural cycle it takes around 30 days to remove. If you are having scheduled drug test in between then be sure that you are adopting some techniques which removes drug metabolites immediately. Time required to remove metabolites is depend on the body’s metabolites functionality, what sort of drug you consume, its potency and half- life of the THC weed.

    Pre employment drug screenings are becoming key issue while hiring new employee. Screening looks for the particular drug traces matched with the different types of drugs. Test is looking forward for legal and illegal abuse drugs. Normally, drug testing is conducted with the help of hair, saliva urine samples. If more accuracy and reliability in the drug test is concern then blood samples are used. Unlike other drug screening forms, blood drug testing takes into account actual drug traces and not their metabolic count. Know the risk involved in pre employment drug test. There is a biggest threat of getting false positive result in the screening. False positive result caused due to several reasons. Certain food and OTC medicines create interference in negative drug test result.

    How to pass