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  • November 17th, 2010

    Problems With Drug Testing

    Read on problems with drug testing

    With some really big controversies on the random or pre employment drug testing as well as instant availability of drug screening kits, parent may think that whether they should give a try for drug testing to their child at home or not. Though, there are some good advantages of testing kits as you can immediately check whether your child is in illegal drug abuse or not. However, there are some problems with drug testing. One major concern with the home base drug test kits is that, they are not completely foolproof method for drug detection. There are some serious discrepancies with the use of it. There are so many cheap ways to adulterate the sample specimen. Means, you can take any drug test methodology and you will observe some problem in it.

    Main concern with the drug testing kits is they actually fail to work as per they described in advertisement. Here user must take one thing in to consideration that home base test kits are useful for just to check out presence of drugs inside the body. No drug test kit is meant to detect exact drug presence in the body. You can take these drug tests as a supplementary for main analytical testing. It is advisable for not to go far with home drug test kits. Some drug test kits may fall for giving false positive result. Adverse to this, some drug test kits show false negative result. They indicate no drug usage and it is having quite high percentage. If we talk in percentage, then 40% times home based kits are fail to give accurate and reliable result. It is observed that drug testing conspiracy gives positive result for hormonal growth as well.

    Another main concern with drug testing kits is parents or who ever taking drug testing are not enough educated regarding proper use of drug testing kits. If any one fails to make proper use of it, may leads for faulty results. If you look at the detox market, there are so many detoxification drugs available over the counter as well. They are not so costly and prove effective for masking. Few techniques of adulteration are quite simple one like adding water into the sample or urine sample switching. However, major risk involved when these detox products is consumed in bulk quantity. Even though they are made up of natural substances, they lead to generate sever effect on body.

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