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  • December 24th, 2010

    Random Drug Testing

    Read about random drug testing.

    Drug testing is basically a technical analysis of biological specimens like hair, saliva, urine or blood for the presence or absence of drugs and drug metabolites in the system of the subject. On the current trend of drug testing, within two years it will almost be impossible for recreational drug users to get a job in big companies or continue their post in companies. Drug testing is probably the single weapon the government has against substance abuse. But people are smart enough and can switch a drug test easily these days. How to make a drug test fake methodologies are readily available online. Many companies have come up with products that can help one swindle a drug test.

    There are various types of drug testing like a pre employment drug testing, diagnostic screening or a totally random drug testing. The idea of random drug testing is used by many companies, the military, police, drug rehab centers and government agencies. They are recently adopted in schools to make students realize that they are been monitored and should not use illegal drugs. Random drug testing in schools will help deter the students from using drugs. The main objective behind conducting a random drug testing is deterrence. The threat of detection of drugs in a random drug test is much higher than any other testing method.

    The most valuable component of a drug free workplace is random drug testing. It is estimated by a division under U.S department of labor (DOL) that drug abuse costs the American employers over $100 billion per year. However random drug testing at workplace involves certain complications, which acts as hindrance in ideal drug test policy. There are many efforts put in to rig the entire procedure and manipulate the results. People tend to use unfair tactics to pass a drug test when their job is at stake. In many tests it is easy to get a negative by simply avoiding the use of drugs for 2-3 days prior to the test. Thus not all the drug tests can be totally accurate. Moreover there are increased chances of false positive test results.

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