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  • November 17th, 2010

    Random Drug Testing And Announcement

    Read on some interesting ways to pass random drug testing.

    Random drug testing is most popular at workplace now. It is necessary to keep work environment safe and secure for everybody. Along with the work place, random drug screening also gets highest popularity at schools and hostels. How to deal with random drug testing and announcement of immediate drug testing. If you are non regular smoker then actually there is no need of worrying about any sort of testing. However, what If your record shows your long history of smoking. There are few ways of drug dilatation, but they only work if you start adopting them right from 2-3 week before. Furthermore, if you try dilatation in excess level there is chance of getting water intoxication. This is very much risky and can take one’s life. Most of the cases of random drug testing makes use of saliva test. As with saliva test one can get immediate result and able to detect drug presence consumed 2-3 days before.

    However, if they ask for urine testing then there is slight chance for adulterine the sample. One way to tamper result is use of synthetic urine. Synthetic pee is available in powder or in liquid form and very much simple to use. You just need to add warm water in to it. Availability of this product is also quite large. Another way of tampering is using another person’s pee as your own urine sample. However, be sure that person have clean history. getting a drug test is quite easy now. No need of extra preparation and being tense until result. Home base drug test kits gives almost as reliable and accurate result as that of analytical mode of testing. It is one simple and cheap form of getting drug test done. Home based drug test are quite simple to use and produce no harm. Nevertheless, one should not completely rely on result of these test. Take this test only as a supportive for main test.

    If you priory known random screening is against which drug test, try to find out cut off level of that drugs. With dilution you can reduce percentage amount of that particular drug. Normally drug testing is carried out with 5 panel testing and as per SAMHSA regulation. Be in the limit, be safe.

    How to pass