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  • December 19th, 2010

    Random Drug Tests

    Random Drug Tests

    Random Drug Tests are conducted on any randomly selected group of individuals in a school, college, workplace etc. Drug use is a major problem across the world. The use of drugs leads to a lot of harmful consequences. These include chronic absenteeism and under performance, aggressive and possibly violent behavior, being accident-prone and the like. Drug users may resort to thefts and robberies to finance their drug use habits. The family, friends and colleagues of drug users are not only made anxious but are also prone to face the worst behavior of the drug user. At the broader societal level, drug use creates a demand for drugs that creates the reason for the existence of drug cartels and their illegal activities.

    Drug tests are supposed to discourage drug use by making people afraid of the consequences of failing to pass a drug test. These include the loss of job, of rented accommodations, cancellation of admissions in schools and colleges and of sporting achievements. This fear is generally enough to discourage drug use. Putting stringent and transparent drug tests in place can prevent all the consequences. This provides the pro drug testing material. There is another side. False positive is a condition when non-users test positive due to consumption of certain foods and medicines. This is a nightmare for the innocents and a possible loophole for drug users.

    Drug tests are controversial because they tend to invade the privacy of the individual. So long as the person stays out of trouble and performs properly, his private habits should be his own. Many people see drug tests as a step towards greater and more obtrusive surveillance in the future. Random drug tests suffer from the additional criticism that they do not test everybody. Inherently they are unequal. And apparently they do not serve the deterrence purpose, as a user is not likely to be tested. However the point being missed is that the user is continuously under the threat of being tested positive. This does deter him, although the amount of deterrence may be less than that inspired by testing everyone. Also the expenses involved in a random test are lesser than a complete one. So it achieves, to a certain extent that is, the twin objectives of deterrence and economy.

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