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  • December 24th, 2010

    Random Employee Drug Testing

    Random Employee Drug Testing

    Random Employee Drug Testing is to subject randomly selected employees to a drug test. The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 made drug testing compulsory for public employees. Soon this was voluntarily adopted by private workplaces, schools, colleges and even by landlords. The issue of drug tests is certainly a debatable one. It runs a fine balance between the right of the authorities to have a drug free premises and the right of privacy of the individual. Be as it may, a drug test does discourage drug use to a certain extent. On the other hand drug tests have triggered the development of a parallel industry – of products meant to help even drug users beat the drug test.

    Consider this. A drug user is more likely to be absent and under perform. He / she is also more likely to be responsible for accidents in the workplace in which the life and limb of the user as well as other people will be endangered. Drug users are also likely to be more prone to be aggressive, and sometimes even violent. All this puts the family, friends and colleagues of the drug user in the line of fire. A drug test will help avoid this. The drug user is also likely to resort to petty thefts and even robberies to finance his drug use habits. At the social level drug use creates a demand for drugs that is the reason for the existence of drug cartels and their illegal – violent activities. Drug tests were instituted with the noble purpose of preventing all this. In civilian workplaces the drug test is most likely to be urine test or in some cases the saliva test. The saliva test is used as a surprise test.

    The problem with drug tests is that even non-users can test positive. This condition is called a false positive and can occur due to consumption of certain medicines and foods before the drug test. This is the reason why even non-users are afraid of the drug test. This is also the reason why there exists a huge parallel industry – that of products meant to help even drug users pass a drug test.

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