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  • October 7th, 2010

    Second Hand Smoke Marijuana Drug Test

    About the second hand smoke marijuana drug test

    You may know all about active smoking as well as passive smoking. In the same way there are people who actively take the toxic substance marijuana while there are others who have no other alternative but to smoke second hand marijuana. It is important for you to know all about the second hand smoke marijuana drug test if there is going to be such a test conducted on you. Sitting in the company of other people who are doing the drug, will make you a second hand smoker. Even small children who are exposed to second hand smoke can be tested positive in the drug test.

    Spike the urine sample to come out of the test with positive results:

    If a urine sample is going to be taken clear urine for drug test will be required as there will ne no presence of the drug in the urine sample. Concentrated urine sample will look dark brown or dark yellow in color which indicates that there are a lot of toxins in the urine sample. The best thing you could do is spike clear urine for drug test, with warm water just before the test is taken. Even tap water is usually added by people, which is also an effective method, but it may arouse suspicion in the mind of the examiner.

    There is a lot about the second hand smoke marijuana drug test which you should understand in great detail. The first thing is that it is very harmful to you as a second hand smoker. Second hand smokers are believed to inhale poisonous substances in larger quantities as compared to the original smokers. There is no point sitting around those who are doing marijuana as indirectly you will also be inhaling large quantities of the drug. Particles of thick smoke can stick into the hair which needs to be washed out of the hair thoroughly before the drug test takes place.

    Your drug test report can define your life, so don’t take it lightly. It will do you good to evaluate the outcome that you want it to have and then work towards it with all the help available online. Take charge of your life and live your dreams, free from drugs and full of life! Bring on the sunshine!

    How to pass