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  • November 9th, 2010

    Secrets For Passing Drug Test

    Read the secrets for passing drug test.

    Drug testing is becoming more and more popular these days. Why do companies enforce random drug tests? The main reason behind conducting a random drug test is to monitor the employees and detect the use of drugs if any. Drug testing methods are accurate and reliable when all aspects of the procedure are completed correctly. This really makes it very difficult to pass or beat a drug test unless you know the secrets for passing drug test. Unfortunately today a majority of drug testing is poorly performed and cannot be completely relied upon. Below is all the information summarized which will be required by you to pass a drug test.

    There are many kits and detox products available online that claim to clean your system and ensure that you pass a drug test. There are few other things which will ensure that you pass a drug test. Avoid the use of toxins that are likely to be detected during the screening. The best way to pass drug test is to stop using drugs. It would be much better if you stop it for the rest of your. It will be beneficial for your health as well as you will not have to fear a drug test protocol.

    High fat foods can slow down the detoxification process. So avoid fats and go for fiber, carbohydrates, vegetables and protein rich food. Do not skip breakfast. Do not go for a diet as it can play havoc with the body metabolism. Drink lots of water everyday but stop it 2 days prior to the test. Overeating can spoil the rate of metabolism so it should be strictly avoided.

    If you are going for urine drug test make sure that you do not provide the first urine of the day. Try and avoid the first portion of the urine stream as it contains more toxins. Catch only the middle portion. There are other methods too like substituting or adulterating the sample. But these tactics involve a lot of risk so better avoid. If you do not take drugs there is nothing to worry about.

    How to pass