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  • October 28th, 2010

    Shampoo Drug Test

    Read all about shampoo drug test.

    A drug test is taken so as to detect the presence of illegal drug and its metabolites in the system. There are various tests done so as to determine the presence of drugs in the urine, blood, saliva or hair of the subject. Drug testing is gaining high significance because of the shocking rise in the number of the drug abusers. It has become obligatory in many workplaces as they would not prefer hiring a less productive employee or a drug addict.

    There are several methods of drug detection. But hair drug testing, also known as shampoo drug testing; is considered to be more precise in indicating the drug use in the last 90 days. If you smoked a little pot drug test is likely to spoil your reputation in the society by testing you positive; if you go for the most accurate –hair drug test! The longer the hair the longer history of drug use can be obtained. On an average the human hair grows at the rate of 0.5 inch per month. Testing requires 0.5 to 1.5 inches of hair.

    Often people try to escape a hair drug test by shaving off their head. But this is not the solution as in absence of hair on the head the hair present on the body parts like-arms, chest, pit, leg is used for testing. Thus dodging a hair drug test is not an easy job. The hair samples are observed carefully under the microscope and later chemically treated and tested. There are various shampoos and treatments available in market that can help you pass a drug test. When you use these shampoos they first clean and open the cuticle layer of the hair. Later they put a sealer around the cuticle. These detox shampoo owners claim that it takes 2 hours to fully show their effect and beat a shampoo drug test.

    Getting these shampoos doesn’t mean you necessarily pass a drug test. The use of combs or towels which are not thoroughly clean reduces the effects of these shampoos. The use of sprays and gels also disturbs the masking which is done. Moreover the lab authorities are smart enough and they use procedures that can eliminate the effect of these shampoos and products. If you still continue to use drug the residues are ultimately going to enter the scalp of your hair. So the best way would be to stop this and it can be only done if you stop doing drugs as it is very difficult to swindle a shampoo drug test.

    How to pass