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  • December 19th, 2010

    Should Drug Tests Be Required For All Jobs

    Read more information on drug tests.

    Pre employment drug screening is the most talked subject. If you have smoking history for banned substances then it is humble advice to stop it immediately. Answer for the question should drug tests be required for all jobs is no. It is not mandatory for all the companies to go with the pre employment drug screening. However, to keep the workplace free from drugs most companies adopt same strategy. If you stop drug abuse just a week before, then detox products may not clean the body organs completely. If you give enough time for body to work on drug metabolites, surely you will get negative result. Percentage of drug metabolites keeps on changing from person to person. Few affecting factors include body mass, gender, smoking history, overall health etc. There are some detox products which are able to clear the body from drug metabolites within 15 days. There are drug substances which remain in the body for longer periods of time. Marijuana is one illegal substance which remains in the body for more than 3 months.

    To pass the drug test confidently, it is necessary to know what are the factors are consider while drug testing. Here is some more information on drug tests. Drug testing is most effective and ideal way for checking drug existence inside the body. There are different forms in drug testing. Out of that urine testing is most widely accepted one and till date considered as very basic mode of screening. Other forms include testing biological specimens of hair, saliva, blood and sweat. Effectiveness of all listed drug testing form depends on their drug detection window period. Saliva drug testing have lesser detection timeframe where as with hair testing you can check out smoking history ranging from 3 months to life time.

    If you look forward to pass drug test, you can not tell exact value for how long drug metabolites remain is body organs. As answer have influence of terminologies like intensity of use, frequency, way to use, tolerance of each person, his daily fluid intake etc. It is essential to take into account that drug detection time is giving general estimation for elimination of drugs. That means after certain period of time, drug metabolites are no longer in accurately detectable stage.

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