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  • February 16th, 2011

    Should There Be Random Drug Tests

    Is it possible to pass drug test thc drink water?

    Random drug testing which is conducted on randomly selected group of people in workplaces, schools or colleges. Drug abusing is major problem in entire world. Drug abuse leads for financial loss, accidents, crime etc. It also includes chronic absenteeism and under performance, aggressive nature etc. Abuser becomes accident prone hence keeping such employee will be proving very dangerous. The family, friends and colleagues of drug users are not only made anxious but are also prone to face the worst behavior of the drug user. Random drug testing creates threat in abuser’s mind about the result. Success rate of random drug testing lies here. Hence answer of the question should there be random drug tests is yes. There should be random drug testing and it need to be conducted from regular interval.

    Drug testing conducted with serious manner creates awareness for the consequences of failing to pass a drug test. Failing in drug test leaves very harsh effect on individual career. It includes back from getting promotions, loosing job, cancellation of admissions in schools etc. This feat is naturally enough for discouraging people from having shots. Though there is another side of drug testing as well. Occurrence of false positive drug test is one major set back issue in drug testing. It is a condition when non user’s drug test returns back with the positive result. There are so many issues and substances which are giving false positive result in drug test. Though, this is a nightmare for the innocents and a possible loophole for drug users.

    Drug testing is always falls under controversial issue. It trend to invade in one’s person space. Urine drug testing can disclose so many other things which one wants to hide from the world. Many people see drug tests as a step towards greater and more obtrusive surveillance in the future. However, random drug testing is additionally criticizes on the topic that it does not check each and every person for drug testing. Apparently, they are not serving the main purpose behind the drug testing. Though it is important to look that random drug testing reduces cost of testing. You can take proper precaution to beat drug test. It includes pass drug test thc drink water. Know your drug passing technique from internet.

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