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  • November 17th, 2010

    Student Athletes Drug Testing

    Student Athletes Drug Testing.

    Student Athletes Drug Testing is, in a way, more important than professional sports drug testing. This is because it will nip the tendency of using drugs among future athletes right at the very beginning. Next, students athletes drug testing will create the right kind of role models at the school level itself. Hard work will be rewarded and cheating will be disgraced. A lesson learnt in the younger days is not easily forgotten and shapes a person’s attitude to a certain extent.

    Drug tests were instituted with the express purpose of discouraging the practice of drug use. This is because testing positive in a drug test or merely the fear of facing the consequences of a positive test will deter many existing and potential drug users. The same is true for athlete drug testing. Athlete drug testing usually looks for performance enhancers like synthetic testosterone and erythropoietin. The former is taken to build up muscles and the later enhances endurance by increasing red blood cells that carry oxygen. However stimulants like marijuana, cocaine and even alcohol can be checked. Marijuana is particularly likely to be checked through a cannabis resin drug test or any other drug test, as it is the most popular drug particularly with school and college goers. Synthetic testosterone is checked for using chromatography. Erythropoietin is much heavier and is detected by suspending the sample in a gel and running it in an electrical field. Synthetic testosterone is poor in carbon 13 as compared to natural testosterone. This is the distinguishing feature that gives away the synthetic version in a drug test.

    The best thing about drug testing of athletes at the school level is that it sets the right example in childhood itself. The success of a tainted athlete, who is informally known to use drugs but somehow beats the test, is likely to trigger the growth of more such athletes. Properly conducted drug tests will ensure that the reverse is the case – that the good are rewarded and the evil wrongdoers are punished. This will put in an incentive for hard work and deterrence against wrongdoing. And if handled in the proper manner such a culture would produce honest and bright citizens.

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