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  • December 19th, 2010

    Substance Abuse Testing

    Substance abuse Testing

    Substance Abuse Testing is the testing for the use of drugs / narcotics, alcohol and other such substances. Such substances are sometimes used for medical purposes under medical prescription and supervision. Substance abuse is the wrong use of such substances that also happen to be addictive and harmful to the body in the long run. When used for medical applications like pain killing, obesity treatment etc. they are consumed in small quantities for a limited period with a fixed frequency. When these substances are used for the wrong reasons i.e. when they are abused they are consumed in greater quantities for very long durations and are also frequently used.

    Substance abuse testing is meant to discourage substance abuse. Such tests are conducted by employers, school and college authorities, amateur and professional sports bodies and even by landlords who are renting accommodations. Not being able to pass a drug test or a substance test usually means loss of job, cancellation of sporting achievements, loss of rented accommodations or suspension from school and college. The fear of these consequences is supposed to discourage people from using such substances in a wrong manner. Substance abuse testing is usually conducted for drugs and alcohol. The most commonly used drugs include marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, amphetamine, PCP, benzodiazepine, ecstasy and a few others.

    The problems with drug and alcohol abuse include under performance, absenteeism, tendency to become aggressive and even violent and accident-prone behavior. The abuser can also resort to thefts and robberies to find money for financing his habits. This puts his family, friends and colleagues in the line of fire. At a broader level the demand for drugs creates the reason for the existence of drug cartels and their illegal activities. The common drug tests are the urine test, saliva test, blood test, sweat test and the hair drug test. Urine test is the most commonly used test while the hair test is the most accurate as well as the most expensive. The saliva or oral swab test is used as a surprise test as it can be conducted quickly. In certain fields it is more important to know how to pass drug swab test than the urine test.

    How to pass