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  • October 19th, 2010

    Substitution Marijuana Drug Test

    Read about marijuana drug test.

    Are you a doper and there is a drug test in your organization which you are soon going to undergo. This is the time when this article will probably help you and guide you about the substitution marijuana pass drug test.

    Marijuana will be retained in your body in you hair, saliva and blood. Its presence can be detected by a urine or hair test. The time of its presence in the body varies from 3-30 days. For regular smokers it lasts up to 45 days whereas for an occasional smoker it is 10 days. The consistent user has the drug in his body for about 90 days. Your concern for pass weed drug test will depend upon the kind of testing you will be subjected to. It could be urine, blood or hair test.

    Presently two types of marijuana drug testing are available namely professional drug testing and home drug testing. The former one is conducted by medics and the other one is performed by parents at home using a drug testing tool kit available in markets. The home based test results could be false, so one needs to be careful. Urine testing is far more effective as it could trace the presence of the drug even after months you took your shot. Oral testing is widely used in schools and colleges knowing the fact that it is cheap and effective.

    Marijuana drug testing facts: There are certain facts which are done to detect the presence of marijuana in the body.

    Marijuana hair test:
    1.Most accurate test.
    2.People with darker hair are more sensitive towards this test.
    3.Gray hair has reduced capacity to retain the drug.
    4.Humidity affects marijuana content and degrades it.

    Marijuana blood test:

    1.Concentration of THC is low in blood.
    2.Drug lasts for12 to 24 hours.
    3.Detects active drugs.

    Saliva test:

    1.Not an accurate test as THC hardly passes through the oral fluids
    2.Retained for only an hour.

    Marijuana urine test:

    1.Accurately detects THC-COOH secreted with urine.
    2.By product present in the urine for many weeks.
    3.If you are a consistent user, and wants a negative result, then withdraw from it.

    How to pass