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  • February 16th, 2011

    Taking Aspirin Before Drug Test

    Taking aspirin before drug test. Know Why?

    Urine drug test is most common one in all drug testing forms. It is because this is most optimum drug test. If you consider detection time as well as accuracy then defiantly urine testing is most convenient form of a testing. Marijuana which is commonly refer by weed, pot etc is highly abused drug in entire United State as well in many other nations. THC is chief drug metabolite of marijuana which is commonly traceable with all drug testing forms. THC is psychoactive substance inside marijuana. As urine testing method is most commonly used form of drug testing, taking aspirin before drug test can create obstacle in relieving clean sample. Usually prescribed amount is 4 aspirin pills taken before drug test proves effective.

    Actually drug testing made compulsory to discourage the widespread practice of drug use. Testing positive in drug test result is quite embarrassing thing and it reflects your image as drug addict in front of the entire world. Decreasing rate of drug addicts is success of drug testing at workplace. However, only problem with drug tests is the issue of false positives. It comes only when person is not a drug abuser, but still getting positive result. It may be due to some medicines metabolites which shows quite resemblance with that of THC metabolites. This also happens due to the consumption of certain foodstuffs and medicines before the drug test. Sometimes inhalation of drug smoke that is passive smoking can alter your drug test result. Hence it is important to avoid such atmospheric conditions. It is very rare in case, because every drug comes up with particular threshold count. With passive smoking body is not able to generate metabolic count which is above cut off level.

    To pass a drug test, one very key step is not to having drugs in any form. Also, take precaution while asking for over the counter medicines and drugs. These can cause false positive result. Check your prescribed medicines or medicines you are taking from long period of time. They may trigger positive result. To avoid this, take regular fat burning cardio exercise for 15 days before urine test. THC is stored in fat cell, so you can also opt for drinking cranberry juice to pass drug test. This will remove broken links of drug metabolites.

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