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  • December 24th, 2010

    Tea Drug Test Cleanse

    Tea Drug Test Cleanse

    Detoxification or detox is the process of eliminating all the traces of drugs from the human body. Drug residues or traces of drugs accumulate inside the body of the user as he consumes drugs. These residues are stored inside the body for some time even after the person stops using drugs. The residues are responsible for a feeling of craving for the drug – a feeling that is a huge hindrance for a person trying to give up the habit of drug use. This feeling is also the reason for addiction – you use the drug once and you will want to use it forever.

    Detox is essential for 2 reasons – for being able to pass a drug test and for giving up the habit. For the urine test, and broadly for the blood test, detox involves burning the fat that stores drug residues by exercising and by visiting a sauna. This breaks down the toxins. Drinking a lot of water or fluids will eliminate the broken down toxins through urine. Sweating also serves to flush out the toxins. To pass hair follicle test a masking shampoo is needed. This masks the drug residues inside hair. For passing a saliva test a detox mouthwash has to be used just before the saliva sample is collected.

    Herbal remedies are also available for detox. Herbal tea drug test cleanse are a good option for detoxification. The best part of herbal tea is that it works with the physiology of the body and uses the body’s natural excretion process to get rid of the drug residues. This does not overload the body with elimination and therefore the method is free from any side effects. The detox for a urine and blood test will be complete in an hour. In the next 5 hours any urine or blood sample collected from your body will be free from traces of drugs. Herbal teas work for clearing the residues of commonly used drugs like marijuana, nicotine and even some prescription drugs that can give a false positive result. A false positive result is when non users test positive due to the consumption of certain foods and medicines before the drug test.

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