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  • December 24th, 2010

    Test Clean Drug Test

    Test clean drug test at lab

    With too many people getting into the habit of drugs, drug testing authorities too have been more stringent than ever as far as rules for testing are concerned. You could either get a test clean drug test at lab or you could get at drug test conducted at home itself for your satisfaction. Bagging a job of your dreams can get very tough and once you are successful in getting you must be prepared for a test in drugs which could come up either at the time of the interview or any time during your services with the company. Always be prepared for a cleaning for drug test. For this efforts have to be taken to get rid of the toxic substance from the body if you have been on drug abuse for some time.

    Home remedies are considered the best, if you have sufficient time on hand before the drug test. What most people seek is effective products which can help them pass a drug testing procedure. Efforts can be made to flush out toxins from the body by drinking lots of cranberry juice, strawberry and acai berry juice, water as well as diuretics like cider vinegar, coffee and tea which help in speeding up the process of eliminating water from the body system. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants which can be a great remedy of eliminating toxins from the body. Drinking at least a gallon of water all through the day can help in cleaning for drug test and flushing out deadly toxins from the body.

    If it is a urine sample that you need to provide, efforts should be taken to dilute urine sample, by consuming lots of water through the day. Ensure not to drink too much of water as urine tends to get too diluted thus creating suspicion in the minds of the authorities while drug testing. Flushing out the kidneys with cranberry juice is considered a highly effective remedy. You could consume either fresh juice, canned juice or cranberry juice in tablet form depending on its availability and your choice. Even if diuretics like coffee and tea are remedies, most people prefer juices and water for flushing out the system when there is need to appear for a test clean drug test at lab.

    How to pass