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  • February 16th, 2011

    The Best Ways To Test For Thc

    Know how THC is detected and best way to test it.

    Tetra-hydro-cannabinol or THC is the main active element found marijuana. It is one of the key elements of cannabis. There are almost 400 different types of drug metabolite present in from plant and is most commonly you will get it down throw urine or blood drug testing. THC is psychoactive element of marijuana. THC is most commonly detected drug substance. Urine testing is the best ways to test for thc if you are looking from cost point of view. You will get positive drug test result thc metabolic concentration is more than 0.05 g/ L from the sample you gave. This drug test guidelines are set by NIDA that is National Institute of Drug Abuse.

    Above listed figure is for drug screening phase. For confirmatory testing, metabolites concentration gets drop down and it is 0.02g/L. Here take a note that THC metabolites are restored inside the fats. Hence they take much time to get excrete from the body. However, this time period is influence by lots of factors like age, height, weight, percentage of body fat, body metabolism and drug history of the user. A person with more than 200 Lb weight stores more metabolites due to slower metabolic. Where as slim person with higher metabolic concentration have higher excretion power and throw metabolites immediately. Average figures for the time marijuana is retained in the body are available, but these cannot be taken as a reliable guide.

    If you are looking forward for any cheating technique to pass drug test next day, then it would be feasible only through synthetic urine way. Using some one else’s urine is also best possible option you have. However, this method works only when there is no supervision. Use of synthetic urine is possible even under the strict supervision. However, try to indulge detoxification products for better result. Most of the detox products are urine additives. They stimulate the kidney function so that it can product more urine. While using dilution technique it is important to use some remedies to mask your attempt of dilution. Urine drug screening is most often tested on factors like Creatine concentration, temperature etc. To pass drug test confidently, see you are fulfilling all its aspects.

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