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  • October 19th, 2010

    Thing To Do To Help Pass Drug Test

    Read about thing to do to help pass drug test.

    Are you waiting for a driver’s license or need a job?? Need to face a drug test. Don’t sweat it. Instead read this article and be ready to face one.

    All you need to know at the very beginning before going for a test is the duration of the presence of drug in your body. There are various charts that will guide you whenever you go to buy certain products to pass a drug test. Various websites will also provide you information. The fact is that no drug stays in your system for more than three days. Marijuana is an exception. It can be detected even 90 days after the intake. Passing a test if you are using marijuana can prove to be a tough job.

    Not all the tests taken are accurately sampled. Many people can prove to be lucky and can pass a test easily incase of incomplete testing or inept authorities. It is easy to pass a drug test these days because of the availability of various kits and tools in markets. Passing a drug test is very important for getting a job these days. Here are some tips which will help you to get a negative result:

    1.One can drink lots and lots of water or juice before going for a drug test. It will help flush out all the drugs from your body.
    2.THC one of the major components of marijuana is stored in the fatty tissues so one needs to sweat a lot incase if he wants a negative result. Lift weight as exercising speeds up the metabolism.
    3.One can also have four oz of white vinegar mixed with 4 oz of water.
    4.Go for more red meat, it will increase your creatinine levels so your urine won’t look diluted.
    5.Vitamin B will help you pass a opiate drug test. The vitamin will turn your urine yellow and it is much better than buying the supplements.
    6.Always carry the prescriptions if you are taking any prescription drugs like pain killers.
    I think this information is more than enough for you to pass a drug test. Don’t be tensed and just follow the things to do. The best thing to pass a test could be not taking the drugs you will be tested for.

    How to pass