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  • December 19th, 2010

    Tips For Passing Drug Test

    Tips for Passing Drug Test

    Drug test is a procedure for determining if a person consumes drugs. Samples of body hair or body fluids like blood, urine, saliva and sweat are taken and examined for residues of drugs. Drug tests are named after the sample taken for examination. Thus there is the urine test, blood test, saliva test or the oral swab test, sweat test and the hair drug test. Most drug tests check for the consumption of the ten most popular drugs. These include marijuana that is the most popular, methamphetamine, amphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, morphine, benzodiazepine, ecstasy, PCP etc.

    Drug use is a major problem in the United States and many other places. Drug tests were instituted to control this menace by introducing the fear of testing positive and facing the related consequences in the minds of drug users. The problem is that sometimes people cannot pass a drug test even though they don’t use drugs. This condition is called the false positive and is a result of consumption of certain foods and medicines. Apart from this people get tips for passing drug test from their friends. This helps them clear the test even if they use drugs thereby defeating the entire purpose of drug tests.

    Here are a few tips for passing a drug test:

    For 7 to 15 days before the urine test live healthy with regular fat burning exercise, drinking a lot of water and eating a balanced and healthy diet. Usually toxins are stored inside body fat. Exercise burns fats. These broken toxins can then be eliminated via urine and so you need to drink water. The diet prevents accumulation of any fresh toxins.

    If you have a hair test lined up, say methamphetamine hair drug test, you need to use detox masking shampoos that cover the drug residues in the inner layers of the body hair and prevent detection.

    To pass drug test, you need to abstain from drugs for at least for 3 to 4 days before the test. For additional precaution you can use a detox mouthwash to rinse your mouth 5 to 30 minutes before the test.

    How to pass