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  • December 19th, 2010

    Tips On Passing A Drug Test

    Tips on Passing a Drug Test

    Drug tests check a person for residues of drugs. If the amount of these residues is above a certain limit, a confirmatory test is ordered. If the residues are above the limit even in this test the person is pronounced as a drug user. This is, of course, a very elementary description. A drug test is conducted by employers, schools, colleges, sports authorities and even by landlords – such is the dread of the effects of drug use.

    A drug test is supposed to deter drug users from using drugs by making them scared of the consequences of the consequences of a positive test – loss of job, of academic admission, of rented accommodation and cancellation of sporting records. The intentions are good, but execution is not always good. False positive is a condition when a person tests positive even though he is not a drug user. This happens due to consumption of certain foods and medicines. You can certainly do without such a result especially when you intend to pass a work drug test. Here are a few tips on passing a drug test and to avoid such a possibility:

    Stick to a healthy exercise routine and healthy diet for at least 7 to 15 days before the drug test. Also drink a lot of water. Exercise burns fat that stores most of the drug residues. These broken residues can then be flushed out through urine by water and hence the need to drink water. The diet prevents the accumulation of any fresh toxins. This approach will work for a urine test and by and large for a blood test.

    A saliva test can be used as a surprise test. You can get through it by keeping away from drugs for 3 to 4 days before the test. For eliminating any possibility of things going wrong, rinse your mouth with a detox mouthwash 5 to 30 minutes before the test.

    To beat the hair test you will have to use a detox shampoo that masks the drug residues in the inner layers of the hair after opening the outer layers. This prevents detection in the test.

    How to pass